Viribus unitis!

International workshop 'Formats and ways of cooperation between Russian and Uzbek universities in training skilled staff'

Location: Samarkand, Samarkand State University, University blv., main building, room 105.
Organizers: Samarkand State University, Tomsk State University Center for Eurasian Studies, Expert club “Siberia-Russia”.

Muxtor Nasirov, Vice Rector for International Cooperation, Samarkand State University
Sergey Yun, Head of Department, Department of World Politics, TSU School of History and Politics

Topics for discussion:
• Modern technological development and its influence on labor market
• Main directions and priorities of social-economic reforms in Russia and Uzbekistan: prospective demand for labor force
• Experience of cooperation between universities and employers organizations in training staff in demand
• Promising ways of cooperation between universities of Russia and Uzbekistan in joint training of specialists in physico-technical, natural-scientific, social and humanitarian fields.


From Samarkand State University:
Rustam Khalmuradov, Professor, Rector of Samarkand State University
Toshpulot Rajabov, Dean, Faculty of International Education Programs
Bakhodir Safarov, PhD in Economics, Professor, Dean, School of Economics
Hakim Khushvaktov, Vice Rector for Research, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Ahmadjon Soleev, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Deans of faculties and heads of departments of SamSU.

From Tomsk State University:
Evgenii Borzenko, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Gas Dynamics and Combustion, School of Physics and Engineering
Victoria Makoveeva, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Institute of Economics and Management
Darya Olitskaya, Associate Professor, Department of Romance and Germanic Philology, School of Philology
Zhanna Rozhneva, Associate Professor, Department of History and Documentation, Dean, School of History and Politics
Elena Sukhushina, Dean, School of Philosophy

From other organizations:
Saidahmad Usmanov, Head of the Regional Public Educational Department, Samarkand region
Rustam Yuldashev, Head of Teaching Quality Control Inspection, Samarkand Region
Representatives from Universities of Samrkand city;
Representatives of the banking sector, Samarkand region
Representatives of manufacturing facilities, Samarkand region (UzMAN auto, ISUZU auto, Maroqand)

Everyone interested is invited!


Event's time

27 February 2020 

10:00 - 13:00

Event's venue

Samarkand, Samarkand State University, University blv., main building, room 105