International Workshop “Network cooperation between Russian and Uzbek universities: state of play and options for the promotion”
Location: Andijan city, Andijan State University (ASU), 129, Universitetskaya st., Main building, ASU small hall.
Organizers: Andijan State University, Tomsk State University Center for Eurasian Studies, Expert club “Siberia-Russia”.
Ravshanbek Shamsitdinov, Dean of the History School, Andijan State University.
Sergey Yun, Associate Professor, Department of World Politics, TSU School of Historical and Political Studies
Topics for discussion:
• Priorities of the development of educational and research activities in the universities of Uzbekistan and Russia.
• Legal aspects of the academic cooperation between Uzbekistan and Russia.
• Opportunities and ways of educational and research cooperation between the universities of Russia and Uzbekistan.
• Experience of the development and implementation of double degree programs with foreign universities.
Akramjon Yuldashev, rector of Andijan State University, Doctor of Biology, Professor.
Bakhtiyar Rasulov, vice-rector for research andinnovations of Andijan State University, Doctor of History, Associate Professor.
Rustam Mullazhonov, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, head of the Academic Office, Andijan State University.
Raimzhon Aliev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, School of Physics and Mathematics, Andijan State University.
Farhod Alimov, PhD in Pedagogy, head of International Cooperation Office, Andijan State University.
Mukhammadzhon Alikhozhiev, PhD in History, Associate Professor, head of Department of Uzbek History, Shool of History, Andijan State University.
Natalya Bolshakova, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, deputy director for academic affairs, the Institute of Biology, National Research Tomsk State University.
Alexander Korotaev, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, dean of the School of Radiophysics, National Research Tomsk State University.
Talantbek Mudamarov, Doctor in Law, Professor, dean of the School of Social Studies and Economics, Andijan State University.
Victoria Makoveeva, PhD in Economics, deputy director for academic affairs, the Institute of Economics and Management, National Research Tomsk State University.
Umida Maraimova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, head of Economics Department, School of Social Studies and Economics, Andijan State University.
Madaminjon Makhkamov, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, dean of the School of Physics and Mathematics, Andijan State University.
Murod Nosirov, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, head of Physics Department, School of Physics and Mathematics, Andijan State University.
Zhanna Rozhneva, PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Documentation, Dean of the School of Historical and Political Studies, National Research Tomsk State University, head of Bachelor’s Program in Archives and Documentation Management.
Nozimjon Tuhtaboev, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Dean of the School of Natural Sciences, Andijan State University.
Anvarzhon Ummatov, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology and Biochemistry, School of Natural Sciences, Andijan State University.
Event's time
17 December 2019
10:00 - 12:30
Event's venue
Andijan city, Andijan State University, 129, Universitetskaya st., Main building, ASU small hall