Viribus unitis!

Anastasia Pogorelskaya


- Senior Researcher, TSU Center for Eurasian Studies

- Associate Professor, Department of World Politics, TSU School of History and Politics

Academic degree:

Ph.D. Degree (History)


Social media:


Research and Expert Work

  • "Methodological and legal support of educational, innovation, scientific and technical cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union and between Russia and South Asian countries" (Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation grant, 2016-2018)

CES publications

Anastasia Pogorelskaya. The common labour market of the Eurasian Economic Union: when will it start functioning for the citizens?

Anastasia Pogorelskaya: Russian language policy in Turkmenistan and the interests of Russian universities

Anastasia Pogorelskaya, Olga Kobzeva. Foreign universities in Uzbekistan and the tasks for Uzbek-Russian educational cooperation

Anastasia Pogorelskaya: Belarus outside the world educational market?

Anastasia Pogorelskaya. Consultative meetings of Central Asian leaders: the evolution of agenda

Prospects for the development of the CSTO in new conditions

Sergey Yun, Anastasia Pogorelskaya, Olim Turdikulov. Academic mobility and educational migration under international crisis: adaptation of Central Asian countries through geographic diversification

Anastasia Pogorelskaya, Evgeniy Troitsky, Vitaly Pakulin, Nikolay Pogodaev, Olim Turdikulov, Sergey Yun. Central Asian Higher Education Area: goals and prospects according to member-states

Other publications

  1. Difficulties experienced by the modern system of higher education in Belarus // Tomsk State University Journal (Vestnik TGU), 2016, № 41 P. 116-125. URL: (in Russian)
  2. State youth policy in the Republic of Belarus in 1996-2016 // Youth in Europe. Deriglazova L.(ed). Tomsk, TSU. 2017. P. 185-19 URL: (in Russian)
  3. Wishful thinking: Belarus joining the Bologna process // Tomsk State University Journal of History (Vestnik TGU. Istoriya). 2017. № 50. P. 69-74. URL: (in Russian)
  4. Belarus in the Bologna process: lost in transition // Conference papers. 'Youth of Europe and Russia', Tomsk, May 17-19 2018. P. 49-5 (in Russian)