Lyudmila Igumnova

- invited researcher, TSU Center for Eurasian Studies
Academic degree:
Ph.D. Degree (History)
Academic title:
Associate Professor
Research and Expert Work
- Jean Monnet Chair. Project title: “EU studies program at Irkutsk State University: foreign policy and identity issues” (September 2015 – August 2018)
- Research stay at the Institute for European Integration, Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, University of Hamburg, Germany (August 2018)
- Research stay at ARENA Center for European Studies, University of Oslo, Norway (September 2017)
- Research stay at Central and East European Studies Centre, Leiden University, The Netherlands (April-May 2017)
- The Swedish Institute scholarship within the Visby Program, Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden (January-June 2013)
- Research stay at European Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK (April-May 2012)
- Erasmus Mundus visiting fellowship, Department of Politics, Institutions and History, University of Bologna, Italy (February-November 2010)
- Research fellowship, Department of International Relations and European Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (January-March 2009)
- Carnegie fellowship, visiting scholars program, The Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, University of California, Berkeley (April-May 2007)
In English:
- Igumnova L.O. Official Communications of the European External Action Service with Russia: Crafting the Image of Normative Power Europe. Discussion paper No 3/18 (November). Europa-Kolleg Hamburg. Institute for European Integration. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. Normative Power Europe Critique in Russia // Europe and Asia-Pacific Countries: Problems of Interaction: Abstracts of the International Conference / Ed. by L.O. Igumnova, E.A. Matveeva. Irkutsk, 2013. P. 126-130.
- Igumnova L.O. Russia’s Strategic Culture Between American and European Worldviews // The Journal of Slavic Military Studies. 2011. Vol. 24: 2. P. 253-273. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. Between Europeanism and Atlantism: The Development of the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy and its Implications for Transatlantic Relations // EU and Russia: Face to Face: Materials of the International conference / Ed. by L. Deriglazova, A. Skuhra (editor-in-chief), S. Fritsch. Tomsk, 2007. P. 221-238.
In Russian:
- Igumnova L.O. Foreign Policy and International Affairs of the European Union: Comprehending the Role of the EU in the World / L.O. Igumnova, O.G. Lekarenko, Iu.G. Agafonov and others / Ed. by L.O. Igumnova. Collective monograph. Irkutsk, 2018. 340 p. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Russia in Assessments of the European Union Institutions (2007-2018) // Europe and the European Union Through the Eyes of Scholars / Ed. by L.V. Deriglazova. Tomsk, 2018. P. 292-304. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. Problems of Contemporary Russian Legislation in Evaluation of the European External Action Service // 11th Baikal International Social and Humanitarian Readings: Materials / Ed. by U.A. Zulyar Vol. 1. Irkutsk, 2018. P. 22-27.
- Igumnova L.O. Normative Power of the EU in Communications of the European External Action Service with Russia // Contemporary Europe. 2017. № 6. P. 81-93. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. Method of Modeling and Imitation in Foreign Policy of the EU // Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. History Series. 2015. Book. 2. Vol. 3. P. 184-189. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. General and Special Features of the EU’s and Russia’s Imperial Models // Political Science: Facing the Challenges of Contemporary Politics. Materials of the 7th All-Russian Congress of Political Scientists, Moscow, November 19-21, 2015 / Ed. by О.V. Gaman-Golutvina, L.V. Smorgunova, L. N. Tomofeeva. Moscow, 2015. P. 995-997.
- Igumnova L.O. Imperial Identity of the European Union and Russia // Tomsk State University Journal. History Series. 2014. Vol. 6 (32). P. 45-55. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. Normative Aspects of Russia-EU Relations // Russia and the European Union: a textbook / Ed. by S.M. Yun. Tomsk, 2014. P. 52-70. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. Normative Power Europe Critique in Russia // The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Political science Series. 2014. Vol. 7. P. 122-133. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. Aims and Motives of the European Union as a Norm Entrepreneur // Tomsk State University Journal. History Series. 2012. Vol. 1 (17). P. 80-88. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. European Mechanisms of Diffusion of Universal Values and International Norms // The Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University. 2012. Vol. 1 (60). P. 233-239. URL:
- Igumnova L.O. Normative Power Europe and Militarization of the EU: Discussions in the European Academic Community // The Bulletin of Eastern-Siberian State University of Technology and Management. 2012. Vol. 2. P. 167-170. URL:;jsessionid=C028C58C9BFE031B7D6947E3DF5F8B67?documentId=5767
- Igumnova L.O. Model Power Europe Concept: Theoretical Backgrounds and Practical Implementation // East-West in the Context of World History: View from Siberia: International conference (Irkutsk, April 21, 2011). Irkutsk, 2012. P. 253-264.