Viribus unitis!

Armen Airapetian. Court of the EAEU: has an important step been made on the path of abolishing the limit on foreign players?

What is the competence of the EAEU Court?

The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 established the EAEU Court in the system of the Union bodies. The purpose of this institution is to ensure a uniform application by the EAEU member states and bodies of international agreements within the Union, international agreements of the Union with third parties and decisions of the Union bodies in accordance with the provisions of the Eurasian Economic Union Court Statute (Appendix N 2 to the Treaty on the EAEU).

The competence of the Union Court is determined as follows. The court hears disputes arising from the implementation of the Treaty of May 29, 2014, international treaties within the framework of the EAEU and (or) decisions of the bodies of the Union following the petition of a member state or an economic entity (legal entities and entrepreneurs). It should be noted that member states, as compared to business entities, have the right to appeal to the Court of the EAEU on a wider range of issues. At the same time, the right to appeal to the Court of the Union is held by legal entities and entrepreneurs not only from the EAEU countries but also from third countries...

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Armen Airapetian

- Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional and International Law, Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin, the Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Saratov, Russia)