Viribus unitis!

Armen Airapetian


- Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional and International Law, Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin, the Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Saratov, Russia)

Academic degree:

Ph.D. Degree (Law)


Research and Expert Work

  • Participation in the activities of Russian expert forums such as the Russian International Affairs Council and The Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund.
  • Cooperation with Russian and foreign mass media.

CES publications

Armen Airapetian. Court of the EAEU: has an important step been made on the path of abolishing the limit on foreign players?

Other publications

  1. Armen Ayrapetyan about the situation with CSTO General Secretary: "It is necessary to calculate all foreign policy effects of decisions" // GALA. 2018. URL:
  2. Armenia: the new authorities in old circumstances // Web magazine "Political and military analytics". 2018. URL:
  3. The CSTO in 2017: the results and new prospects // Web magazine "Political and military analytics". 2018. URL:
  4. The EAEU Council extraordinary meeting cannot be convened // Business Eurasia. 2017. URL:
  5. The legal dimension of Eurasian integration: prospects and challenges by 2025 // Russian International Affairs Council. 2017. URL:
  6. Expert view: "Building Caspian Sea legal regime is a success of Kazakh diplomacy // 2017. URL:
  7. Will the "Precedent" establish a precedent for the compensation payment in case of Kyrgyzstan's withdraw from the EAEU? // Business Eurasia. 2016. URL:
  8. Integration in Eurasia: the language aspect // Modern Eurasian Studies: Research Review. Saratov, 2015. Vol. 1. Pp. 65-71.