Edward Belyaev

- Adviser to the Rector for Eurasian Affairs, Tomsk State University
- Senior Lecturer, Department of World Politics, TSU School of History and Politics
Research and Expert Work
- Organization and support for business missions to China, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan
- Reception and support for business missions from China, Mongolia, India, the USA, the UK, Iran, Vietnam, Laos, Tajikistan, Republic of Korea, North Korea, etc.
- Participation in business negotiations with foreign partners
- Participation in the activities of international and Russian expert communities
CES publications
Edward Belyaev: Activities of the Russian Business Support Infrastructure in the Eurasian Direction
Other publications
- The EAEU as a space of opportunities for growth // ANO for promoting cooperation of the CIS countries "Community of Eurasian Nations". 2017. URL: http://evrazia-ural.ru/meropriyatiya/eaes-prostranstvo-vozmozhnostey-dlya-rosta (in Russian)
- Russia and Kazakhstan in 2018: opportunities and challenges, risks and perspectives // Research and information web portal "Rezonans.kz". 2018. URL: https://rezonans.kz/eaes/2875-rossiya-i-kazakhstan-v-2018-godu-vozmozhnosti-i-vyzovy-riski-i-perspektivy?_utl_t=tw (in Russian)
- Bishkek investor on a Tomsk horse with Kazakhstan sausage // Socio-political newspaper of Kazakhstan "Vremya". 2018. URL: http://www.time.kz/articles/zloba/2018/01/26/bishkekskij-investor-na-tomskom-kone-s-kazahstanskoj-kolbasoj (in Russian)
- Tomsk businessmen talk about the shortage of Kazakhstan horse sausage // News Information Agency "Sputnik". 2018. URL: https://ru.sputniknews.kz/economy/20180123/4361083/na-nekhvatku-kazahstanskoj-konskoj-kolbasy-ukazali-tomskie-biznesmeny.html (in Russian)
- How Astana will protect itself from the consequences of the new US sanctions against the Russian Federation // Deutsche Welle, 2018. URL: https://www.dw.com/ru/как-астана-защитит-себя-от-последствий-новых-санкций-сша-против-рф/a-45485415 (in Russian)
- How Russian universities look for students in Central Asia // Deutsche Welle, 2018. URL: https://www.dw.com/ru/как-вузы-россии-ищут-студентов-в-центральной-азии/a-43566158 (in Russian)
- Does Tashkent bet on Chinese car industry? // Deutsche Welle. 2018. URL: https://www.dw.com/ru/делает-ли-ташкент-ставку-на-китайский-автопром/a-44290091 (in Russian)
- Russian businessmen got a feel of a "New Armenia" at custom // News Information Agency "Sputnik". 2018. URL: https://ru.armeniasputnik.am/economy/20180602/12425511/rossijskie-biznesmeny-prochuvstvovali-novuyu-armeniyu-uzhe-na-tamozhne.html (in Russian)
- Tomsk-Kirghizia: mutually beneficial cooperation // Joint information portal "Exporters of Russia". 2018. URL: http://www.rusexporter.ru/news/detail/6885/ (in Russian)
- Tomsk-Shanghai: Tomsk expends business ties with China // Online media "Tomskiy obzor". 2016. URL: https://obzor.westsib.ru/news/508321 (in Russian)